Thursday, March 10, 2011

Damaged Toenail!

Thick toenails are often associated with nail fungus. In general, the nails develop symptoms such as collapse or brittle nails, which can become thick and hazy, brittle, or perhaps have a yellow or brown discoloration of the nail.

The causes of fungal nails!

It is important to understand how you develop thick nails because you will need to take preventive measures in the future. If your nails are thick as a result of a fungus there are basic safety precautions you can take.

1. Make sure your shoes are not too tight. Waterproof footwear can collect moisture and fungus that can cause a thickening of the nail and irritation.

2. Wear sandals in public pools, spas, and showers . nail fungus is often spread in damp public environments.

3. Make sure you do not clip your nails too short. Cutting the nails too short can lead to toenail fungus.

Effective Treatments for Toenail Thickness!

Remedies are generally ineffective against the treatment of thick nail fungus. The reason is that treatment can not get under the nail well. In general, these treatments are a waste of money.

Prescription drugs for fungal infections of the nails are dangerous, costly and often ineffective. These drugs put toxins in the body that can lead to liver damage.

Black Toe Nails! causes of black nail can be difficult to locate, but many people suffer from this condition. Here are a few things that can cause nail black.

A common cause Black

An injury that has happened recently, can cause the nail to appear dark. Usually, this means that the toe is bruised . Many runners can sometimes have problems with black nail when breaking in a new pair of shoes or running shoes without socks. This is a case of building up of the blood under the nail. The

Nail fungus can grow in a number of reasons. Continues to wear shoes and socks create a pool of sweat fungus to get a good start. Cut the nails too short also makes for fungus to grow. You can pick up the fungus in other public facilities such as pools, gyms and saunas. It is wise to wear your sandals or shoes in these public areas where possible.